While the physical buildings of Sarum College have been closed for some few weeks our life and work goes on. We are continuing to teach and support ministry students in their formation. The work of our postgraduate theological study through our MA offer also continues online rather than in the physical space of the college.
Like many others we are keen to put our learning to use. We want to nourish the human spirit and explore what that might mean in these unsettling and rather perplexing times. So here is the first of what we are calling Sarum Pause for Reflection published three times a week on a number of themes.
The framework is simple – a theme, a picture, some inspiration from scripture and a short reflection which might lead into some action and prayer. All contained within a few words on a standard A4 sheet. We hope that you might want to use them or share them with your friends and colleagues. Above all we hope that they will support you and encourage you in these coming days.

This picture was taken just after 7am on my walk into College. It captures a sunrise and the beginning of a new day. Salisbury Cathedral spire can be glimpsed in the background. The focus is the way the light bursts through the white magnolia tree intensifying the sheer wonder of the buds and flowers. I stopped and my heart leapt at the fragility and wonder and goodness of each blossom.
At the heart of our faith is the conviction that God has created all things and they are called good!
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:31a)
This world,
Your creation,
Rolled into a sphere,
Packaged in sunshine,
Gift-wrapped in love,
Given to us, Thank you.
As dawn breaks through,
gently erasing
the darkness of the night,
heralding the start
of each new day,
enable us to do the same,
rising out of the darkness of our night,
into the light
of your revealing love.
As the sunshine
pushes shadows aside,
revealing the beauty of this world
through colour, shape and song,
may your love perform
a similar miracle
in our hearts each day,
revealing the beauty
of your creation in our lives,
through our words, thoughts,
actions and our prayers.
While we must practice social distancing, we can still be creative in deepening the ways that we are connected through seeing the good around us.
Take a look around you and see what surprises you – be open to goodness. It may be in nature, a picture, a news item, a conversation.
Share this reflection here.