One Reply on “New Year Resolutions : Dig deeper into God

  1. God……..
    Doesn’t feel, hear, and see like I do…
    Is in no way vulnerable, helpless or dependant by any of those attributes or qualities that makes ME vulnerable and dependant…..
    He is my Creator, He knows me better than anyone….
    He is closer to me than anyone….
    He is Majestic, Powerful, All Knowing, All Seeing…..
    NO one can describe Him better than Himself………I may use words of my own, but all this is insufficient to describe HIM who has Himself created me….
    His is all the Planets, all Universes and everything that is in it…
    When I see the Sky, The Mountains, and the Oceans…….it makes me feel The Deity who has made me….He is No less…….
    HE is closer to me than my Jugular vein, for HE is God who has No limits, No Boundaries, No Hindrances to reach His Creation…..without Him this System of the entire Universe wouldn’t have ever worked…..
    It works because He wishes So…..
    Do I know Him???
    Yes, Yes and Yes……my Heart Feels Him…..and it Earnestly Desires to See Him in the Last Day, in The Hereafter!!


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