We all have an ambiguous relationship with Authority or power and so we should as Christians.
I wonder when you last felt powerless? To be powerless is something we all fear briefly clothed, but God laughs when we take it too, so we anxiously remind ourselves of all our virtues and capabilities. Our instinct as human beings is to build our sense of worth, our self-confidence and value on our past achievements, looks, wealth, status, job or family. In other words to build it upon something for which we can claim credit, some power or ability that we possess.
We tend to come before God dressed in our acquired prowess, our moral victories or life’s successes.
Yet before God, none of these counts for anything. The truth is that we do not do God a favour by signing up to this cause. A realistic embrace of our humanity with all its realities of powerlessness is part of building up a picture of ourselves that God and others recognise and value.