Found on a welcome sheet in a remote Welsh Church – how would you describe the welcome that your Church offers?
Here we try to practise the generous Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This means that you may be mixing with
seekers, searchers, and those who have been bruised,
those who limp and those who mourn, orphans and widows – and widowers, and those wounded by war,
refugees, asylum seekers, foreigners of all kinds, citizens of different colour from yourself,
women bishops (yes, there are a few), and other bishops too,
leaders who are worn out, clapped out, burnt out,
lesbian and gay couples – even singles,
the wealthy who are trying to get through the eye of the needle, and the poor who are struggling to maintain their dignity,
the emotionally deprived and harmed,
people of other faiths, fundamentalists and liberals, radicals and traditionalists, those who have failed to love and those who are afraid to receive love,
those rejected by their ministers and their churches,
those who have broken their promises,
those bowed down with burdens,
those who teeter on the brink of breakdown,
those for whom the grip of alcohol or work, drugs or sex, gambling or unnamed powers, is getting stronger, and those for whom the grip is loosening,
those struggling with faith and doubt,
and goodness knows how many others…
indeed, anyone who is like those Jesus mixed with.
This is not a private club but a public space open to all people’of goodwill – especially those who find difficulty with any of this!
And though we are not yet strong and vulnerable enough to show the unconditional love of God at all times, we hope we are moving in that direction.